Tuesday Poem by David Ishaya Osu
ordinary bottles no one said anything i will paint my box and be happy a spreadsheet of lovers we broke eggs we ate eggs the life next door was made up give glasses time to see you drift away from why i write because i can’t stop sleeping
i don’t want to be like my father he told no secrets like mum over cakes she gave me her yellow wrap and a song and all the time for peaches all doors lead into emptiness a finger or two or endless tingles or unloving clothes we had to get togeth’
dreams don’t err nor this bod ask the sea for new carols not me or your old bedroom did not have every thing you wanted holes in poetry and you dug them and said prussian blue needs three hands in a picture belonging to everyone returning to flowers
this is for you and shadows we don’t know yet a bouquet falls anytime you touch the centre twice or wait for the clock has no power in this house only wet papers matter to no one fixed the table till we got tired we sang and lifted our shirts to the sun